Business Sponsorships

Dear Friends,

This season, Shakespeare & Company came alive with a sense of revival.

We welcomed patrons to critically acclaimed outdoor and indoor productions. We staged a comedy, a tragedy, and a history from Shakespeare’s repertoire, and several contemporary plays that presented insightful and timely work centered on the human experience.

We are busy planning our 2024 Season, and welcome you to join our Business Sponsorship family once again as we promote your businesses near and far. We will be announcing everything we have in store for you on our 33-acre campus, as we celebrate diverse, dynamic, and engaging theater — including Shakespeare and cutting-edge modern playwrights on all five of our stages — enjoyed annually by more than 40,000 patrons.

At every level of sponsorship, we offer a range of benefits, from discounts to special events and beyond. To start enjoying our early-bird discounts and complimentary ticket offerings, reserve your Business Sponsorship today!

Thank you for being here, and thank you for your Sponsorship. We hope Shakespeare & Company left you inspired, as your support has inspired us. 

For more information on becoming a Business Sponsor, please contact Elizabeth Aspenlieder.


Elizabeth Aspenlieder
Director of Business Sponsorships & Events

Business Sponsorship Benefits

All ads run both online and in the Season Playbill!

"I can no other answer make but thanks, and thanks, and ever thanks…"
Twelfth Night, Act III sc. 3

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